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NLAW(下一代轻型反坦克武器)甚至可以消灭最先进的坦克. 它是在所有环境下操作的轻型部队中最好的, including built-up areas.


Powerful warhead, able to defeat any modern MBT
战斗范围 of 20–800 m
Time from target detection to engagement is approximately 5秒

Technical specifications  
重量12.5 kg
战斗范围  20 m – 800 m
接触的时间约. 5秒
Insensitive munition是的

The bigger they are, the harder they fall

Developed in 2002 as a single-soldier, 短程, anti-tank weapon system, we continue to work with soldiers to provide the weaponry needed to succeed. Backed by nearly two decades of experience, the resurgence of the tank in battle validates our expertise in this field. It’s the same old story – and David still beats Goliath.

The ultimate tank killer
The ultimate tank killer
Destroy any target

坦克在复杂的战斗环境中发挥着越来越重要的决定性作用. 传统上,坦克允许其操作人员在相对安全的情况下追捕对手. NLAW通过取消这个安全级别来扭转局面,赢得了终极坦克杀手的称号.

Turn the tables

NLAW给了敌人一些思考的东西——当面对NLAW武器时,他们不能再使用传统战术了. 他们行为上的改变会迫使他们退让,使你的胜算更大. It is best in class for dismounted troops in all environments and terrain, providing the power when you need it.

Lightweight, swift, powerful

这种不受干扰的单兵便携式系统可以由一名士兵在大约五秒钟内部署, 白天或晚上. With a combat range of 20–800 m and a single shape charge, NLAW是复杂地形下步兵和下马部队的最佳反坦克武器. 

Precision from any position

Extremely flexible, NLAW can attack from almost any position, from up high in a building to behind a tree or in a ditch. You can fire down 45 degrees and can shoot from inside a building, 从地下室或从大多数坦克射程之外的建筑物的二楼.

Hitting the target

反坦克武器面临的主要挑战之一是在受到对抗措施和障碍物阻碍的情况下击中目标, such as other vehicles, heat sources and power lines. No lock-on signature is required. 操作者只需在射击前跟踪目标几秒钟,NLAW完成其余的工作.

OTA and DA in one

可选择对装甲目标的飞越攻击(OTA)和对建筑物内非装甲对手和部队的直接攻击(DA), NLAW fires perfectly in confined spaces.


NLAW’s OTA function is effective at just 20 m, making it ideal for 短程 combat, even where the tank is behind cover. 它的穿甲弹可以在一次射击中摧毁重装防护的主战坦克. 当操作者只能看到目标的一小部分时,该系统也非常有效. The operator can simply aim at the visible part and fire. 导弹将在瞄准线上方1米飞行,然后从上方将坦克取出.

在数据挖掘模式下,NLAW可用于对付卡车、公共汽车、汽车和直升机等软目标. 当直接从窗户射向建筑物时,碎片会造成严重的伤害.

The ideal mix of PLOS guidance and OTA delivers easy handling, great accuracy and high kill probability, 每一次.


Our NLAW system is an easy system to use. 观看这个视频,看看它如何使用PLOS(预测视线)和OTA(飞越顶部攻击),使其强大的聚能弹头击中坦克最薄弱的地方-炮塔. Maximising the potential damage to the tank.

视频- 00:18


With the powerful OTA, NLAW is the MBT's worst enemy. Here are some interesting facts about NLAW you may not already know.

  • NLAW是在瑞典和英国的合作下开发的,分别被指定为Robot 57 MBT LAW 
  • It is the only system that can take out a Main Battle Tank from 20 metres
  • The NLAW can penetrate more than 500 mm armour 
mm Armour penetration


Main battle tanks have become an even more dominant force in armed conflicts. Armed with more sophisticated weapons and counter measures, they are now an invaluable tool in complex terrain.

What is the ultimate tank killer

坦克在复杂的战斗环境中扮演着越来越重要的角色, defending forces need an effective anti-tank weapon. 亚洲体育博彩平台NLAW 该系统具有便携性和火力,需要在其轨道上停止坦克.

What is the ultimate tank killer

5 facts about NLAW

The global political situation is flux. After many years of stability, 欧洲国家担心来自东方的威胁,希望大幅增加本国的防御能力. 

5 facts about NLAW


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